This page contains links to equipments used by project members on this Amateur Radio Adventure, software programs and components developed by the project, and to other tools we've found useful and collected here for your convenience. EquipmentsEvery body know that if you prefer one Manufacteur Equipment you never change if you prefer Yaesu, ICOM, Kenwood , Ten-tec etc, . We are talking about OM with some years on experience , myself I never change from Kenwood, i've already operate under diferent conditions or with Yaesu or ICOM even with TEN-TEC and Drake. We can start here a discussion, but i've a costumate to listening good reception on my Kenwoods ,that's the reason I maintan my fidelity to Kenwood. The Kenwood TS-480SAT is an all mode HF plus 6 meter amateur transceiver. It features AF digital signal processing on both receive and transmit. A quad-mixer provides receiver dynamic range equivalent to that of the TS-950 class. Receive coverage is 500 kHz (30 kHz VFO) to 60 MHz and direct frequency keypad entry is supported. The stand-alone LCD control panel features its own speaker and be placed up to 16 feet away from the main unit. This radio features attractive back lighting of the display and the controls! The supplied tabletop panel brackets is convenient for base use. 100 Alphanumeric memories are available and multiple scan functions are supported including: program scan, VFO scan, memory scan, group scan, subtone scan and CTCSS scan. The TS-480SAT can transmit 100 watts (5 watt minimum RF output for QRP work). Many operational parameters can be set to your operating preferences via the menu system. Up to two optional IF filters may be added. ARCP-480 and ARHP-10 control software downloads are available free from www.kenwood.net. Note: The TS-480HX is similar, but provides 200 watts (100 on 6 meters) and does not have the built-in antenna tuner. The rear panel of the TS-480HX has dual fans and dual DC inputs.
You may also obtain technical support by e-mail or telephone at [Kenwood]; and by e-mail . You can also contact [WIMO] AntennasThe Spiderbeam My favorite way to play radio is on portable, DXpeditions The Spiderbeam Project - a Short Introduction
Because of the great response I decided to make the antenna available in kit form. You may also obtain technical support by e-mail or telephone at [Spiderbeam]; and by e-mail . With continuing efforts to make portable equipment ,even more rugged and durable SPIDERBEAM have now developed a new "HEAVY DUTY" version of our well-known 12m pole. The first prototypes were tested last November/December during 120km/h winds at the North Sea coast and performed just great! These heavy duty poles are very well suited for building 40/80/160m wire GP or inverted L antennas. They can also easily support temporary lightweight 1 Element Quad or Delta loops for 20-10m, and dipoles for all bands, especially when used with open wire feedline. (Most baluns would be somewhat heavy). 4-6 poles could be used to build lightweight beams for 40 or 80m. The best (and cheapest) wire to use for such applications (verticals, loops, dipoles etc.) is AWG 18 (= 1mm diameter) enameled copper wire or similar. Thin fishing monofilament (1mm diameter) or similar rope is very suitable for guy lines. Of course, a single person can still put up these poles very easy within minutes. Pole dimensions: full extracted length (height): 12m (40ft) transportation length: 1.18m (3ft 10'') weight: 3.3kg (7lbs) bottom diameter: 55mm (2 1/6'') top diameter: 8mm (1/3'') wall thickness: 1.4 - 2mm (1/18" - 1/12") number of segments: 12 segment length: 3ft 10" (1.18m) Pole material: Black Fiberglass, UV protected The FORCE 12 XK40 This is also a great antenna if your idea and way to play radio is on portable, DXpeditions also on Fieldays. The Sigma-40XK is the same antenna used by Team Vertical on 40 meters to set World Records. As development continued, it was discovered that this excellent antenna could be enhanced for operation on more bands by using the 40 meter version as the core design. It comes with all components to place it on the 40-30-20-17-15-12-10 amateur bands. In actual practice, the Sigma-40XK can be placed on any frequency or band between about 5 MHZ and 30 MHz, making it an excellent choice for FIELD DAY and other services. It can also be operated horizontally as a dipole close to the ground for emergency communications. Frequency changes are simple. The T-bar lengths are set to the correct length for 20 through 10 meters, with pre-sets and pre-cut sections. 40 and 30 use the 20 meter T-bars, plus center loading coils are added at the feed point. Simple - and - it let's you get your hands on the antenna and learn what is happening! This is a great teaching tool for students. Comes with balun and all parts - add your coax and you are on the air with the Sigma-40XK You may also obtain technical support by e-mail or telephone at [Force12]; and by e-mail . You can also contact [WIMO] The DIPOL and KURZ-DIPOL Over past 15 years when I sarted on DX'peditions (May 1990 with CT0B) I use this great antennas , of course if you are operating from a Lighthouse and if you have permition to get the top, it's very easy to put several dipoles from the top, if you have luck to have some trees, or on an island with coconuts so you can mount the dipoles and kurz-dipoles (short dipoles) the same way. I've heard from others and Usually I said... I'm going on Dx´pedition on island but island with coconuts Also very easy on transport . I've dipole specialy for WARC Bands, for 40 and 80 Meters, and for normal bands 10,15 and 20 Meters. You may also obtain technical support by e-mail or telephone at [GUSTAV KELEMEN]; and by e-mail . The PRO-SET Headphones This is also great part of the equipment, I just tell you I've two pairs, one for my own station and the other I've use to play radio on portable, DXpeditions also on Fieldays. When you use for the first time , you down't want to miss for other times, and help you on the pile-ups. You may also obtain technical support by e-mail or telephone at [HEIL]; and by e-mail . You can also contact [WIMO]
Back to TopSoftwareN1MM Free Contest LoggerThe software can be downloaded via the links at internet. It's a freeware program designed to do contest logging and some general logging. It is not a general logging program with award tracking etc. but it is mainly a contest program. Also very good for using as a DXpedinionary tools on any laptop . The program can be used on Windows 95/98/ME and on Windows NT/2000/XP.DOS is not supported. Try to use this log software and explore all facilities. You may also obtain technical support by e-mail Please take a look Here [N1MM]; LOGGER 32 Free Contest Logger Try to use also this log software and explore all facilities. Personnaly I've four different log software on my laptop, and LOOGER32 is one of my choice. You can visit the site Here MixW Multimode software MixW is a multimode program for HAMs. It will help you in regular and contest QSOs. This program have many features which give you almost automatic processing of a QSO. Please take a look HERE MixW Back to TopBack to Top |
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