Polar Circle Amateur Radio Adventure



Main Objective

Why Polar Artic







QSL Card









Porquê o Circlo Polar Árctico?

A Localização

Os Perigos

A Natureza















































Welcome to Arctic Circle Amateur Radio Adventure  web site!

Welcome to the home page  LA/CT Arctic Circle Amateur Radio Adventure "SVALBARD DX'pedition".   This is a Norwegian and Portuguese Polar Circle Amateur Radio operation and we would like to invite you to JOIN US ON THIS ADVENTURE!   

From 7 Th to 14Th June  2004 look for 3 Stations on the air, SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV from 6 to 160 Meters.

I Pointed out some of the advantages of DX'peditions and promised to illustrate just how DXing could be put to use to actively promote and preserve amateur radio. First we must consider from what quarters amateur radio has received support in the past.

Here is one of the most stimulating experiences of our amateur career

Our Government has recognized only one  basic advantage, the use of amateur radio on Emergency  and disaster situations.  In this case, amateur radio can no longer be realistically considered as essential; this is not to say that there won't always be isolated instances where  amateur radio may "come to the rescue". However, the spread of sophisticated communications to most remote areas, along with the emergence Radio as a more efficient emergency system, the role of the amateur in emergencies is not what it used to be.

Certainly we cannot realistically expect any great support from our government on these point.

The answer is simple. Until recently  there has been little emphasis on amateur radio as a tool of international good will and understanding. This point cannot be overestimated, and should be constantly brought to our government's attention.

Considering that there are over 5.000 amateurs in Portugal, then there are almost unlimited possibilities for establishing personal friendships and common bonds. Along these lines, it must be stated that every time there is an exchange, whether it be by the Olympic Games, bys sports and cultural exchanges, or by amateur radio, ties remain which always serve to improve understanding between peoples of different parts of the world. Even a brief exchange  of signal reports between amateurs is no exception. When one considers that these QSO's run into the hundreds of thousands, the conclusion  that international good will has been promoted is inescapable. Since governments of all nations are constantly striving  to improves international relations, amateur radio could develop almost unlimited support from any government made to recognize the value of DX.

Perhaps if our own society had some government link this could be accomplished.

 Take a look at Why Svalbard? in our web or at web-kamera.

When you are listening on the HF bands and hearing signals from "rare" DX stations, have you ever wondered what it is like to operate from one of these countries?

Over the last 50 years , there has been a succession of expeditions to the Polar regions and many semi-permanent bases  have been established  in Artic and Antarctica.  From the beginning of ham radio, some radio amateur  or group of amateurs have traveled to remote places specifically to set up  a radio station so that other hams would have their first contact with that place.      

Why Svalbard?

Project Arctic Amateur Radio Adventure results may sound easy but there was lots of work, any hours and days in the preparation  of the project before the first successful transmission from Portuguese Stations at Arctic Circle. 

It all began when Marq,CT1BWW was participating at S05X Western Sahara Desert International Dx'pedition last year. With the successful from Tifariti at Western Sahara  inhospitable place, the idea came to repeat now on another inhospitable now on Arctic Circle near North Pole.

Contact was made with Mathias Bejrang JW5NM, and inquiry was made,   "All support was garanteed from Mr. Svalbard and all Amateurs from Norway!". 

This all started in September 2003 and from then on there was lot of planning to do. Will expect more interest on next weeks.

The next order of business was to locate the base and to get permissions and all flight details. 

Happiness, in part , is helping others. Few hobbies offer the participants the opportunities to benefit their fellow man as does amateur radio. Yet, in so doing, maximum enjoyment of your radio operating can be attained while increasing your hobby skills at the same time. . I've never been the same since my participation on S05X . Amateur Radio needs such a lot of DX'peditions. Traffic handling rates high as an example. There is a great sense of personal satisfaction in having learned how to handle messages efficiently on phone or cw. Those made happier because of it include the numerous relaying stations, the net managers and, most of all, the happy recipients  of the messages  upon delivery. 

The Radio  activities  attract many, some curious regarding the strange sounds  that can be heard and others  with a genuine interest in amateur radio. They conduct  code and theory classes and demonstrate through practical experience radio's many facets.

A Aventura Começa Aqui.

Já alguma vez perguntou a si próprio se terá capacidade de exceder os seus limites físicos e mentais normais para alcançar um objectivo ou tentar uma façanha audaciosa? O sonho de realizar algumas proezas é comum a muita gente, mas falta a tomada de decisão e concentração, fervor e empenho - em detrimento de tudo o resto. No entanto, há alguns- poucos audazes para quem a ideia de pôr á prova nas condições mais inóspitas os seus conhecimentos e de "exceder os limites" para alcançar essa ambição já há muitop sonhada. Se em 2003 aceitámos o desafio do estar no meio do Deserto do Sahara com temperaturas a rondar os 45º graus centígrados, estamos agora empenhados a desafiar outros expedicionários ao desafio da AVENTURA NO CIRCULO POLAR ÁRTICO.

 Whenever we publish a paper, write a specification, submit a status report, or add anything else to our web, we'll put a notice here. Every month we'll remove the oldest items. The most recent changes are listed first, and each item is linked to the page with the updated content.


Main Objective

Promoting Amateur Radio and DX
The objective of the DX'pedition is to establish as many contacts as possible working radio amateurs around the world.        
Maintained all bands on the move.      
We have the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world and SWL stations to participate on our DX'pedition. 

Date 06.02.04

First contact with our friend Unni, LA6RJA.
Contact NRRL Norsk Radio Relae Liga through our friend Mr.Ivar LA5XX 
Contact with Mr "Svalbard" Mathias, JW5NM about conditions on the weather and logistic for the operation
First contact with REP Rede dos Emissores Portugueses on promotion this project.

Date 14.02.04

First contact with BRAATHENS Airlines

Date 18.02.04

Announcement at NRRL Web-Page Many thanks to Ivar LA5XX

Date 12.03.04

Promotion Web site on internet at www.ct1bww.4t.com The purpose of this  Web-Page  is to stimulate amateur interest on DX.

Date 24.03.04

Contact BRAATHENS Airlines for Tickets reservation

Date 25.03.04

All confirmation from Mathias Bejrrang arrived.

Date 31.03.04

LA/CT at www.geocities.com/ok8bww 
Contact others for informations

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Last updated: Agosto 29, 2009.