Index Why Aland Islands? Location Operator Tourism Equipment Table Frequencies Beaming Map Propagation Chart Qsl Card  Logs-on-line Nature


To qualify, the following conditions must be satisfied:

1. Establishment of two-way communication with any 10 (ten) different amateur stations located in 60º Parallel North. Only contacts made after 0800 UTC on 1st January 1952 are valid. Obligatory include 5 Stations from different DXCC entities 3 Scandinavian Stations and 1 station operating on island

2. The total of 10 different stations may be obtained by operation on one or more of the authorised amateur bands, as applicable at the time of the claimed contact. Cross-band contacts will not be accepted.

3. Any type of emission as permitted by the local licensing authorities at the time of the claimed contact may be used. Cross-mode contacts will not be accepted.

5. Applications containing multi-band and multi-mode valid contacts will be accepted but the award will be issued with no endorsement.

6. Special endorsements, as listed hereunder,  will be displayed on the Award certificate, where applicable,  when all valid contacts fulfill the following conditions:Callsign of Station Worked / Heard,Band (MHz), Mode Used, Date/Time(UTC)

Single Band  Multi Mode

Single Band  All Phone

Single Band  All CW

All Phone  Multi Band

All CW      Multi Band

All RTTY   Multi Band

7. Short Wave Listener applications will be accepted and the Award certificate issued,  with appropriate endorsements as applicable, when all conditions listed above are complied with.

8. QSL cards are not required as proof of valid contactsbut the application must show that log extracts have been examined and verified by two other radio amateurs or the  Awards Manager of the applicants IARU affiliated radio society. A simple declaration that the applicants station has conformed to all licensing regulations as related to his operation is mandatory.

9. Send a log extract and the fee of EUR.5,00  or 6(six) IRCs for overseas stationsto the award manager:

CT1BWW Manuel Alberto C. Marques, P.o.Box:  41 , 2780-901 OEIRAS  - PORTUGAL


11. List Valid DXCC Entities, Areas, islands Valid:



BALTIC SEA: OHØ, OH (Finland Golf, Moshchnyy and Kotlin Russia UA1)




ALASKA : KL,    Alaska Golf, Cook River  Nunivak Island and Part Alask Continent

ALASKA : KL  Alaska Golf , Kayak Island

CANADA: VE   Yukon/British Columbia Border, Western Territories/British Columbia Border,  Western Territories/Alberta Border , Western Territories/Saskatchewan Border,  Nunavut/Manitoba Border Hudson Bay, Quebec, Terra Nova and Labrador

LABRADOR SEA:  VE2  Labrador Province

GREENLAND : OX Greenland Island

ATLANTIC OCEAN: GM Shetlands Islands, Scotland

11. Essential information required will include:Please find here: LOG.HTML


This award is available for any HAM or SWL for contact/listen stantios with QTH on 60º Paralell  North


Promote the radio and activities, do radio !!!!!


Award  Sponsored by



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Last updated: Agosto 08, 2009 .