the previous Projects , this is anothe DXCiting Project made by Hams for Hams with NO COMMERCIAL
only with a TRUE and ALIVE Friendship. The "Five
Star" DXCiting is an inspired mix of gracious
relaxation holidays, cultural discovery and stimulating
activity. Offers you different things you can to make time
move a little faster. Like Amateur Radio, snorkeling,
diving, horseback riding , sunset cruises, exploring
historical sites, birds, whales or dolphins watching, or
wandering along the sands or trekking on High Mountains.
It began with the
dream beach on a wallpaper picture. One
of the most beautiful places in the world to enjoy
sailing, snorkeling, fishing, relaxing and honeymooning is
on this Indian Ocean archipelago.
crystal-clear warm water of the Indian Ocean provides a
picturesque seascape for divers
make Seychelles one of the top scuba diving
destinations in the world.: an abundance of colorful
fish and impressive granite reefs covered with soft
corals and sponges. In fact, Aldabra is a UNESCO
designated World Heritage Site and is the largest coral
atoll in the world. None other than Jacques Cousteau
said that he had never been anywhere else with such clarity
of water and diversity of reef life.
Seychelles provides
the sophisticated traveler with a variety of
activities. Those who would like to venture out can
visit Mahe’s Victoria, the capital, for its numerous
restaurants, cafes, bars, casinos, and discover the
graciousness of the people of Seychelles, known as
Seychellois. Romantic beaches, tropical gardens, night life,
privacy, relaxation and pampering are waiting for you in
The DXciting is junction of the Amateur Radio ,Tourism,
Adventure and Friendship and also provides good way to spend
nice time on vacations sharing friendship and knowledge. The
only limit that exists, is how much money we can join and
are willing to spend. The biggest decision that we will need
to make is where will be.This
Project made by Hams for Hams with NO COMMERCIAL purpose,
only with a TRUE and ALIVE Friendship. The "Five
Star" DXCiting is an inspired mix of gracious
relaxation holidays, cultural discovery and stimulating
activity. Offers you different things you can to make time
move a little faster. Like Amateur Radio, snorkeling,
diving, horseback riding , sunset cruises, exploring
historical sites, birds, whales or dolphins watching, or
wandering along the sands or trekking on High Mountains.

the destinations that New Adventures offers require
planning, knowledge and expertise. As experienced
there is still a need to make sure the logistics are handled
efficiently and seamlessly. We want to share with others our
experience ensuring that all of our knowledge and
expertise is utilized in every trip we plan. Through
the years New Adventures has built their network to the
extent that anything is possible. We have built our
reputation on our ability to make this happen. If you can
“imagine you there”, we’ll get you there.
Since these
destinations are our favorite places in the world,
we love to speak about them and encourage others to call or
e-mail, not only for the benefit of our travel and tour
planning experience, but so we can share our enthusiasm for
the places we love.
Discovery Tours with Amateur Radio , sightseeing with Birds
Watching or Dolphins and Whale watching or Trekking on High
Mountains 'One-off' adventures to remote, wild and amazing
places: Western Sahara Desert, Artic Circle Svalbard , Rolas
island S.Tome & Principe Island, Fernando de Noronha
island, Azores the Volcanos Land, Bazaruto island, Medas
Island, French Saint Martin and Dutch Sin Maarteen, Baleares
... Where we go next?This
Project made by Hams for Hams with NO COMMERCIAL purpose,
only with a TRUE and ALIVE Friendship. The "Five
Star" DXCiting is an inspired mix of gracious
relaxation holidays, cultural discovery and stimulating
activity. Offers you different things you can to make time
move a little faster. Like Amateur Radio, snorkeling,
diving, horseback riding , sunset cruises, exploring
historical sites, birds, whales or dolphins watching, or
wandering along the sands or trekking on High Mountains.
crystal-clear warm water of the Indian Ocean provides a
picturesque seascape for divers
make Seychelles one of the top scuba diving
destinations in the world.: an abundance of colorful
fish and impressive granite reefs covered with soft
corals and sponges. In fact, Aldabra is a UNESCO
designated World Heritage Site and is the largest coral
atoll in the world. None other than Jacques Cousteau
said that he had never been anywhere else with such clarity
of water and diversity of reef life.
a beach for everyone: for families with small children,
or those seeking seclusion and solitude. From beautiful
expanses of silky white sand to remote coves reached only by
the largest and most commercial island in the archipelago,
is only about 17 miles long but boasts 75 fine beaches that
are often uncrowded, if not altogether deserted.
The DXciting is junction of the Amateur Radio ,Tourism,
Adventure and Friendship and also provides good way to spend
nice time on vacations sharing friendship and knowledge. The
only limit that exists, is how much money we can join and
are willing to spend. The biggest decision that we will need
to make is where will be."If
your ideal holiday is splendid beaches and walks through the
tropical forest interspersed with trips to small cities, and
you are looking for quality hotels, or villas with a lot of
things to do including amateur radio then be sure to join us
. We believe to be the best leisure adventures aimed mainly
for Hams with family. NEW IDEA for Amateur Radio DXpeditions
involving Tourism and other activities .That's why I believe
on this Project! Juan Carlos (EA3GHZ)"
" I enjoy very much to be part DXciting Projects
because is a new way of DXpeditions with Amateur Radio,
Adventure tours, safaris sightseeing , Nature. Explore the
beautiful mountains or Polar in Artic or Antarctica and High
Arctic; walks, treks, wildlife and family adventures .
That's why I would like to go with DXciting adventure with
other friends I hope we can go in all trips for the future!
( Marq, CT1BWW) "
" Well! I like travelling too! If Marq as the idea to
go with my friends Imma and Mariua de Jesus or Jean I like
the idea. I like good vacations specially on islands and
exotic places, also walks, treks, wildlife WITH FRIENDS
really good adventures . That's why I would like to go with
DXCiting adventure with my husband. I hope we can go in all
trips for the future! Maria Manuela (XYL CT1BWW)"This
Project made by Hams for Hams with NO COMMERCIAL purpose,
only with a TRUE and ALIVE Friendship. The "Five
Star" DXCiting is an inspired mix of gracious
relaxation holidays, cultural discovery and stimulating
activity. Offers you different things you can to make time
move a little faster. Like Amateur Radio, snorkeling,
diving, horseback riding , sunset cruises, exploring
historical sites, birds, whales or dolphins watching, or
wandering along the sands or trekking on High Mountains.
The DXciting is junction of the Amateur Radio ,Tourism,
Adventure and Friendship and also provides good way to spend
nice time on vacations sharing friendship and knowledge. The
only limit that exists, is how much money we can join and
are willing to spend. The biggest decision that we will need
to make is where will be.
philosophy is summarised by 'The Spirit of Adventure' enjoy Amateur
radio DXpeditions and embraces innovation, quality, value and
challenge, encompassed within a framework of ecologically sound
adventures. In some places , I'm sure that we couldn't go alone, but
if we can planning a group trip, it's more easier! DXCiting it's a
good way to make our dreams comes true! "
I don't care ur
introductory text here. Write your introductory text here. Although
Seychelles is not incredibly rare, it makes the top 150 most wanted
DXCC countries at number 115 and still generates much interest when
activated, often by holiday makers with limited equipment, antennas
and time on the air.
a moment listening S79BWW in order to pick up our pattern of
operation. I prefer working "free" listening COMPLETE
the pileup gets too unruly, we may occasionally start working
by numbers. We promise not to spend too long on any number and
will cycle through the complete sequence in about 10 to 20 minutes. Start
and end at any number, not necessarily 1!
We may also call specific call areas/continents, and also
spots from over-excited DXers often list broken (incorrect)
calls. Do not call until your are certain who you are calling
and make sure you log S79BWW correctly. You would not
want all this hard work to go to waste, would you?!
I will send our own call frequently, usually during every QSO but at
least once every few minutes. If you are still not certain
when we contact you, just ask.
coastline is a series of small crescent pink sand beaches separated
by gigantic granite boulders which are famous for their unusual
curves worn by time and weather.. The beach is sheltered by a reef,
ideal for snorkeling and sun bathing. The calm waters make it
perfect for the little ones.
In Seychelles there are more beautiful beaches than in any other
single nation.
" A
chegada ás Seychelles é o início da realização de um sonho . Á
medida que o avião se aproxima da Ilha de Mahé a maior do
Aquipélago e que possui um Aeroporto Internacional somos
brindados os diversos tons de azul e verde do mar asssim com os
exuberantes verdes intensos das florestas. Parace
que Chegámos ao paraíso! Para
onde quer que olhemos tudo está sob paisagem protegida, as
florestas com as espécies raras e tropicais, e o mar, com uma tal
variedade de peixes que é mpossível enumerar. Aconselha-se
vivamente a prática de snorkeling ou mergulho para quem o saiba
fazer. O maré realmente a maior riqueza das Seychelles, tal a
quantidade de peixes coloridos que encontramos. As Seychelles são
compostas por cerca de 115 ilhas, sendo as mais concorridas
pelos turistas a Ilha de Mahé, onde se situa a capital Victória
e alguns parques naturais como Anse Forbans, e as ilhas de Praslin e
La Digue.
A ilha de Mahé, apesar de belas praias, florestas e parques
naturais, oferece menos tranquilidade, pois é aqui que vive a
maioria da população e por isso é também onde circulam
mais turistas. Em Praslin ande se encontram lindíssimas praias e
peqquenos resorts e hoteis, uma maior tranquilidade e menos
concorridos. Uma visita ao interior da ilha permite-nos passear por
uma floresta tropical verdadeiramente rica em espécies raras e
muito curiosas. Vale bem a pena!
La Digue a ilha precisosa é quase considerada a 'joia da
coroa' pelos turistas que a visitam. Para visitar otras ilhas do
arquipélago tem que se viajar de barco, chegamos a um
verdadeiro paraÃso natural. são magníficas aspraias de La
Digue, que conhecia de posters e revistas de viagens, onde a areia
lÃmpida é polvilhada com gigantescas rochas de formato
invulgar, um cenário único que deve ser apreciado
demoradamente. O mergulho nesta praias, com vista para as rochas é
uma experiência verdadeiramente inesquecível.
Tal como nos
Galápagos as tartarugas gigantes são na verdade umn Ex-libris das
Seychelles vivem centenas de anos e podem ser observadas em alguns
parques naturais onde elas vivem, rodeadas de vegetação
1990 o Governo de Portugal e as Seychelles estabeleceram um acordo
de Cooperação Cultural e Científica e Técnica entre a República
Portuguesa e a República das Seychelles, cujo texto original, nas
línguas Portuguesas e francesa